Roadside Litter Pickup

Roadside Litter Pickup Operations by Non-Profit Organizations

1. Contact the Alleghany TDA to identify participants and initiate operation.

  • Requests can be made to the TDA website:
  • Be prepared to provide documentation of non-profit (501c3) status. This may be provided via email or fax.
  • Identify the road(s), location(s), date, and time where and when the litter pickup will be conducted.
  • Provide an estimate of the number of persons who will be participating in the cleanup.
  • Provice and address for County payment to the organization.

2. Obtain Litter Bags, Signs, and Safety Vests.

  • These items can be obtained at the NCDOT Division of Highway Maintenance facilty at 263 Grandview Drive, Sparta, NC 28675
  • The organization may call ahead to the NCDOT facility at (336) 376-2206, and state personnel may assist in determining quantities of equipment needed for the operation.
  • Alternately, the Local Ordinance Officer may assist in estimating equipment needs and directions to the NCDOT facility.

3 Conduct the on-site cleanup operation

  • NCDOT Personnel can provide instruction on how best to deploy the signs and locate the most appropriate collection locations to leave the filled bags.

4. Contact the Planning Department to identify collection locations

  • The TDA Rep. will then visit each collection location and count the filled bags.
  • The TDA Rep. will contact the NCDOT for pickup of the filled bags.
  • The TDA Rep. will determine the payment due the organization and will arrange for the Finance Department to send a payment by check to the address provided by the organization.